Wednesday 9 April 2014

Why the internet has been awesome for music artists.

Basically this is an interview about what the internet has changed about music and how artist's get noticed. The quotes are in BOLD, and my opinions on the article are written normally.

"A generation has come along who don't think they should pay for music."

This is counted by the response...

Then explain Justin Bieber. Where does the demand for his merchandise come from? Who is attending his tour events? About 30% of all music recordings are still bought by people under 30, the generation that grew up with the internet"
However before the internet, that same age group was responsible for 45% of the sales, 15% of a decrease, in just one generation.

Another key statement:
"I think there's something about paying for music that makes it more intense; you've got to listen harder to music. If you pay for it you're going to pay attention to the record you bought and get your money's worth."
This is purely subjective and based on psychological instinct, however realistically it kinda does make sense - You do tend to appreciate something more if you've spent your own money on it.

With the likes of Spotify and Youtube being readily available access for "free" music, if you're an artist, you REALLY have to stand out to get anywhere these days.

Literally anyone with a camera and an instrument can make music and then share it on the internet.
"Anything that can take on the role that radio used to have and deliver new things to people that they're gonna like. It's gonna prosper."

Anything = The internet.

So much opportunity, so much freedom.

The fact we all have a free means to promote ourselves makes things so much more erm.. not easier, but simpler. 30 years ago, you had to go to a talent agent and hope that they thought you were good, if not, its back to the drawing board!

Posted by Jake Clarke

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty much sums up what I'm like with music, my music taste grows exponentially because of how easy it is to discover music now, sites such as and youtube make it incredibly simple and quick to find a new band, another example of the ease of finding bands is twitter, I recently followed Queens of the stone age and Foo Fighters on twitter and within about 30 minutes about 20 small bands started following me asking me to listen to their music.

    I agree with that I would listen something more intensely had I spent money on it, as I'd want to feel I got my full monies worth, however I would only tend to buy music I had listened to a lot because I wouldn't want to spend money on something having not listened to a song to then be disappointed.

    This image also relates to this post as its Dave Grohl's opinion on music piracy

