Monday 5 May 2014

Source One

I recently posted a Facebook status (I thought I may as well use a social networking website to gather this information) asking people if they had any experience in using online dating websites, and how this experience has affected their lives. I didn't receive any comments on the actual Facebook status but did receive a couple of private messages sharing their stories. I am going to share their experience to have a better in sight into why people use online dating websites. I am going to name these people as 'Source' to keep them anonymous.

Source One joined plenty of fish in November 2013 to try it out, not only to see if they could meet a possible love interest but to see if they could make any friendships too, which Source One says they have and it's been great. Source One had actually started seeing someone from the online dating website, they had met up a few times but it didn't work out. Since then Source One hasn't gone on it that much, they might receive the odd email saying they have a received a message from someone or that someone wants to meet up with them, which is when Source One will pop on. Source One revealed that at the moment they don't go on to message and look for someone. Source One believes many people are using online dating websites - online dating has become a lot more accepted within the last few years. When Source One met their first girlfriend-everyone thought it was 'strange' and 'weird.  Source One finally revealed that they believe it is always worth a try, they don't regret joining and  find it's always fun to talk to people and get to know them!

Posted by Christie

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