Thursday 20 March 2014

THE QUALITY OF Online Social Relationships. .

Abstract: The article focuses on the quality of online social relationships. People use the Internet intensely for interpersonal communication, sending and receiving email, contacting friends and family via instant messaging services, visiting chat rooms, or subscribing to distribution lists, among other activities. The evidence is clear that interpersonal communication is an important use of the Internet, if not its most important use. Claims regarding the Internet's usefulness for developing social relationships, however, remain controversial. Both personal testimonials and systematically collected data document the deep and meaningful social relationships people can cultivate online. This evidence, however, conflicts with data comparing the value that people place on their online relationships with offline relationships and with data comparing social relationships among heavy and light Internet users. First there is a need to know how computer-mediated communication affects the quality of particular social interactions and relationships.

Source:Communications of the ACM. Jul2002, Vol. 45 Issue 7, p103-108. 6p

An abstract found about online communications, its interesting to see all the uses  for the internet highlighted, we probably use the internet on a day to day basis and never really think of how powerful it is, we take it for granted. I'll be looking forward to researching how online relationships form in more detail.

Posted by Christie

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